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World of Warships

​World of Warships is a tactical, slow-paced shooter with three basic types of armament: ship artillery, torpedoes, and aircraft. The gameplay is team-based, and allows players to work as a team.


World of Warships reached out to us to work together on this campaign and we were more than happy to do so. First we got an in-depth understanding of the campaign objectives and began structuring the promotion.



For this campaign we decided to focus on promoting the new update which introduced new maps and textures as well as mentioning that the game is updated often, with new content releases every month. As well as letting viewers know that the game is free to play on pc, or console and can be played as a solo or with friends on multiplayer.


The influencer we brought on to this campaign is a gaming influencer called SuperDevilMadness who produced a 60 second ad segment following the campaign briefing and details. As in incentive we were able to give away 200 doubloons, a USS Texas ship, 20 camouflages, 1 million credits and a 7 days premium account for free to viewers who joined using the tracking link and used code FIRE.

Since going live the video has accumulated just over 37,000 impressions within a target audience. The promotion went live on time, detailed all major points perfectly and received interest from SuperDevilMadness's audience resulting in a successful campaign.


If you're an influencer looking to monetize your channel and take on brand deals or even a brand looking to run an influencer marketing campaign to propel you to the top of your niche then be sure to contact us and found out how we can get you started on a path to achieving your goals!

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